Gazprom and Gasunie could cooperate on LNG

Russian Gazprom and Dutch Gasunie could work together on LNG, stated Gazprom on the 16th of April. Russian newspaper reported also of a possible cooperation on shale gas project. Alexey Miller, Chairman of Gazprom Management Committee, and Han Fennema, CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of Gasunie , met in Gazprom headquarters and discussed the prospects for further cooperation in the liquefied natural gas (LNG) sector. Among other things, they noted the need for the infrastructure development within the segment of using small scale LNG as a fuel for land and marine transport. Gasunie already holds 9% of Nord Stream, together with over 15,000 kilometers of pipelines in the Netherlands and northern Germany.  In 2013, the two companies have already signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Strategic Cooperation, providing for enhancing cooperation between the companies in such areas as gas infrastructure development, Nord Stream expansion, LNG, energy efficiency, innovative technologies, environmental protection, educational projects, information and cultural exchange. Source: Gazprom Press Release