Furfari, the EU on energy

Commission Advisor and ConferenzaGNL speaker Samuele Furfari commented the recent evolution of the European energy policy in an interview on Natural Gas Europe. When asked about the influence of the Russian situation on the Energy Union, he stated: It should not be regarded this way. The idea of the Energy Union stem from the ongoing development of the EU policy as Europe depends on import too much and wants to decarbonize its economy. Of course, there is an implication with gas supply but the strategy is wider than just the gas supply. We started to work on that question back in June 1955 – 60 years ago – at the Messina conference where the EU founders recognized that more energy is needed in Europe. So, we are still on the same track and we still need energy, therefore, it is necessary to diversify the sources of supply, diversify the types of energy, diversify the routes of supply and to pursue long-term research and development. Full interview is available here.