Construction begins for BC Ferries second LNG ferry

First steel cutting for the construction of the second  car – passenger ferry ordered by Canadinan Owner was held in Remontowa Shipbuilding, Poland, on 10th of April 2015.
The ship is built following the contract for the construction of three double – ended car – passenger ferries  signed in July 2014.  These will be the first vessels in the currently 36 ship fleet using Dual Fuel engines, capable of running both in Diesel and LNG mode. Two ferries will replace two nearly 50-year-old ships, soon to be decommissioned. The third vessel will be used in peak seasons on the Southern Gulf Islands run and  as a relief vessel. Each of the vessels will be capable of taking on board 150 personal cars and 600 passengers.  The vessels were designed from scratch by the Design Office Remontowa Marine Design & Consulting – a member of the Remontowa Holding. They will comply with rules and regulations of the classification society  - Lloyd’s Register, who will supervise the building process, and the government agenda of Transport Canada. Source: Remontowa Shipbuilding Press Release