CEEP'S OLECHNOWICZ: joint negotiation is the solution for LNG and Eastern Europe.

In an interview to Natural Gas Europe, the Central Europe Energy Partners (CEEP) Chairman of the Board of Directors Paweł Olechnowicz discussed the potential for US LNG imports, saying that a positive argument is that American gas will help strengthening the transatlantic alliance. He also added that LNG contracts should stay flexible and on a maximum 3 years time span. In addition, he encouraged the development of a platform for joint negotiations of gas purchases in Central-Eastern Europe. On how to attract US gas he stated: “It is a strategic issue. We see there is a strong potential for a win-win situation, in which American companies acquire stable business partners, and European consumers benefit from a more diversified and competitive energy markets. That is why we would like to convince the US that their gas would help us all to strengthen our transatlantic alliance.” On contracts, he added: ”Long-term contracts, ranging from 5 to 15 years, are rather history. For me, long-term gas contracts should last a maximum of three years. We need to build up a network of Central European companies interested in the US LNG. They could team up and create a platform to negotiate common contract durations and prices for gas, which should be delivered to different clients in various European countries. These negotiations should be based on the changes occurring in the market.” Full interview by Natural Gas Europe is available here.