News - 2020

First Bureau Veritas approval for HHI floating LNG-to-power solution

First Bureau Veritas approval for HHI floating LNG-to-power solution

Classification company Bureau Veritas has granted Principle Approval (AiP) for Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) LNG Floating Power Plant System (Hi-FL2P).
Pavilion Energy: naval LNG demand seen by at 30 million tons in 2030

Pavilion Energy: naval LNG demand seen by at 30 million tons in 2030

According to recent forecasts by the specialist company Pavilion Energy, collected and relaunched by S&P Global Platts, the global demand for liquefied natural gas (LNG) for ship bunkering will grow considerably in the coming years, reaching 9 million tons in 2025 and growing about thirty times to around 30 million tonnes in 2030, with at least 100 more LNG bunkering vessels to be added to the existing fleet.
The Edison-Q8 project of the LNG coastal deposit in Naples has been officialized

The Edison-Q8 project of the LNG coastal deposit in Naples has been officialized

Edison and Kuwait Petroleum Italia (Q8) officially presented last October 1st the project for a coastal storage of LNG in the Neapolitan port, described by the two companies as part of the "Green Shipping Week 2020" in Naples, after the indiscretions that have occurred in the past two years and a recent European grant for authorization engineering.
Small Scale LNG even in Sicily

Small Scale LNG even in Sicily

On 19 September, the first LNG road service station and the first biomethane production plant in Sicily have been inaugurated in Catania. The distribution plant, also equipped with a biomethane dispenser for cars, was built by the local Nicolosi Trasporti, while the biomethane production plant, from waste and by-products of agricultural production, by Assoro Biometano.
Small Scale LNG from fossil to renewable and beyond

Small Scale LNG from fossil to renewable and beyond

The evolution of LNG from fossil to renewable and the relationship with the direct uses of liquid methane and hydrogen will be two of the main themes of the forthcoming 6th International Conference and Expo on small scale LNG, the main two-yearly international event in the sector for Europe and the Mediterranean area (Bologna 5-7 May 2021).