
Third tank for the Knutsen LNG tanker. It will serve LNG small scale warehouse in Ravenna (Edison)

Third tank for the Knutsen LNG tanker. It will serve LNG small scale warehouse in Ravenna (Edison)

The South Korean shipbuilder Hyundai Mipo Dockyard, who is currently building the small/medium scale LNG tanker on behalf of the Norwegian shipping company Knutsen, has recently mounted the third LNG tank on board the ship which will have a total capacity of 30,000 cubic meters of liquefied natural gas.
Four new Gasum LNG stations by summer 2020

Four new Gasum LNG stations by summer 2020

The energy company Gasum plans to expand its LNG road distribution network through the opening of four new LNG stations by summer 2020.
Approved the WinGD most powerful LNG marine engine for the CMA CGM ships

Approved the WinGD most powerful LNG marine engine for the CMA CGM ships

The classification society Bureau Veritas has granted its approval for the 12X92DF dual-fuel LNG/diesel engines of Wintherthur Gas & Diesel (WinGD), the most powerful thus far built, whose first series is already under construction at the China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC) and will power nine ultra-large container ships (ULCS) owned by the French group CMA CGM.
GIE map 2020: small scale LNG speeds up

GIE map 2020: small scale LNG speeds up

GIE (Gas Infrastructure Europe), the association representing European operators of gas transportation infrastructures, storage and regasification of LNG, also active in the small scale LNG sector, has communicated the publication of the map updated on 15 June 2020 regarding services for the direct use of liquid methane.
Shell starts new project on BioLNG

Shell starts new project on BioLNG

In order to ensure the availability of BioLNG at its distribution stations, Shell has announced the construction of a production site in Germany, which is expected to be undertaken by spring 2021.