News - 2021

Mobile LNG filling: Ham, Snam, FS, Hitachi, Levorato, TiApm, Ecomotive, HVM, Goldengas

Mobile LNG filling: Ham, Snam, FS, Hitachi, Levorato, TiApm, Ecomotive, HVM, Goldengas

Ham Italia has been awarded the European tender for the supply and installation of a mobile LNG refuelling station launched a year ago by the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority. Work continues on equipping Italy's first LNG train, built as part of a cooperation agreement between Snam, Fondazione FS, part of Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, and Hitachi Rail.
GNL 2021: normative e strategie su cui porre massima attenzione

GNL 2021: normative e strategie su cui porre massima attenzione

L’inizio del 2021 ha visto l’importante dibattito istituzionale e parlamentare sul Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza - PNRR - con al centro i temi delle infrastrutture per i trasporti sostenibili e dell’energia. Più di 100 miliardi di euro provenienti dal “Facility” europeo da destinare e spendere attraverso la realizzazione di progetti entro il 2026, che accompagnino la transizione ecologica dei trasporti e della produzione-utilizzo dell’energia.
The first dedicated bioLNG plant on the Autobrennero

The first dedicated bioLNG plant on the Autobrennero

Since last April, the bioLNG refueling service with a dedicated tank has been active at the Sadobre Autoporto (Brenner border customs motorway station) near Vipiteno, alongside the traditional LNG one. This is the first Italian plant capable of supplying only bioLNG.
The first LNG fast catamaran ferry is in service

The first LNG fast catamaran ferry is in service

On May 1st, the fast catamaran ferry of the Spanish ferry operator Baleària, named Eleanor Roosevelt, first of its type in the world, entered into service. The maiden voyage connected the port of Denia, near Valencia, with Ibiza and Palma de Mallorca, in the Balearics.
LNG for the restart of the former Alcoa in Sardinia

LNG for the restart of the former Alcoa in Sardinia

Last April, the authorization process for the modernization and reactivation of the aluminum production plant of the former ALCOA (now Sider Alloys) in Portovesme was started at the Sardinia Region. The revamping of the plant and the supply of production processes will use LNG, as there is no adequate natural gas distribution network on the island.