Wärtsilä and Biokraft together for BioLNG

Wärtsilä, a Finnish company with headquarters in Helsinki, specialized in the manufacture of propulsion and power generation systems for marine use and power plants, has signed a contract for the supply of a biogas plant to the Norwegian company Biokraft, a subsidiary of the Scandinavian Biogas Group, that is a major player in the global biogas market.

The plant is under construction near a paper mill and will use fishing waste and residual slurry from the paper mill to produce the biogas, which will be cooled to minus 160 ° C and stored in cryogenic tanks.

The plant, with a capacity of 25 tons per day, will be deployed near an existing plant in Skogn in Norway, also supplied by Wärtsilä, and it will have a combined total daily capacity of 50 tons per day, making it the largest complex of the scandivian countries.

Source: Wärtsilä