Trifleet Leasing goes criogenic (into LNG container business)

Trifleet Leasing, the Netherlands-based tank container leasing company, is entering the cryogenic tank containers business with a focus on liquefied natural gas (LNG).

The company said in a statement on Wednesday that it started building up a cryogenic container fleet and offering a full range of related services as of the beginning of this year.

In that regard, Trifleet Leasing ordered twenty 40-ft tanks with a volume of 46,000L as a first batch for the planned 2018 investments.

The design and manufacturing of the tank containers have been commissioned to Cryovat in the Netherlands and GasCon in South Africa. The first 40-ft containers for LNG will be available for leasing within the first quarter of 2018, according to Trifleet Leasing. “We are combining Trifleet’s 25 years of expertise in tank containers with Jaap Kuijpers Wentink’s 25 years of cryogenic experience. Our new cryogenic business is off to a powerful start, with a substantial number of superior tanks and deep cryogenic insights, based on the well-established and structured Trifleet organization,” explains Philip van Rooijen, Managing Director of Trifleet Leasing.

The company’s newly-established cryogenic business will not only offer tanks, but also related services, such as cryogenic pumps, hoses, installation systems and technical advice, it said.

The new business will be headed by Jaap Kuijpers Wentink, who was previously managing director at the Crynorm Group, the Dutch maker of cryogenic equipment.