Total and CMA CGM endorse big LNG bunker deal

CMA CGM, the first shipping company in the world to equip its giant container ships (capacity of 22,000 TEU) with LNG propulsion, has selected Total Marine Fuels Global Solutions, the Total affiliate responsible for marketing marine fuels worldwide, for these future supply operations.

Total and CMA CGM have signed an agreement covering the supply of around 300,000 tons of liquefied natural gas (LNG) a year for 10 years starting in 2020. This unprecedented volume in the history of LNG bunker will fuel CMA CGM's nine newbuild container ships, scheduled for delivery beginning 2020 onwards. The vessels will have 18,600 cubic meter cryogenic fuel tanks (six units of 3,100 cm each)  located beneath the accommodation block. Fuel capacity on the ships will allow the vessels to make the near 40,000 km round trip between China and Northern Europe, operating at 18 kts, with just one refueling. In February 2017, CMA CGM and Total already signed a cooperation agreement to examine the most environmentally responsible propulsion solutions to meet the International Maritime Organization’s 2020 implementation date for new sulfur regulations.

By selecting LNG as a fuel, CMA CGM has opted for a solution that will outperform the sulfur cap of 0.5% required in 2020. And now another likely answer could be a dedicated bunker vessel to be built on a bigger scale than most available today. The new supply chains created would lead to a wider use of LNG, especially in other shipping sectors, to achieve even greater and ambitious environmental responsibility.