The ports of Galveston and New Orleans to LNG

The US ports of Galveston, Texas, and New Orleans, Louisiana, both of which overlook the Gulf of Mexico, have signed agreements with companies specialized in the logistics and supply of LNG for the maritime traffic of ships using this fuel.

For Galveston, the agreement was signed with Stabilis Solution Inc. and the agreement provides for the provision of turnkey solutions for the refueling of ships calling at the port, including the identification of suitable dock space for operations. shore-to-ship refueling, obtaining the necessary permits and approvals, identifying and training personnel.

Stabilis will deploy its existing fleet of mobile cryogenic facilities, including LNG transportation and distribution facilities, and will supply the product from its liquefaction plants in Texas and Louisiana. LNG refueling services should be available as early as 2021.

A similar agreement was reached by the Port of New Orleans with Cleancor Energy Solution, a subsidiary of Cleancor Holdings, to collaborate in the supply of LNG bunkering. Under the agreement, the energy company will provide LNG to customers and shipping operators at the Port of New Orleans, while the port will offer data, logistics expertise, customer contacts, as well as introductions and marketing support.

Cleancor will also provide LNG refueling options based on anticipated customer demand and will work with the Port to obtain federal, state and other permits and permits needed to develop the required infrastructure and operations. The company is also already active in the terrestrial sector with plants in California.

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