The first dedicated bioLNG plant on the Autobrennero

Since last April, the bioLNG refueling service with a dedicated tank has been active at the Sadobre Autoporto (Brenner border customs motorway station) near Vipiteno, alongside the traditional LNG one. This is the first Italian plant capable of supplying only bioLNG.

The Autoporto is connected to the Brenner motorway (A22), the motorway artery inaugurated in 1974 which from Modena, passing through Verona, Trento, Bolzano and Bressanone, connects Northern Italy with central Europe. The system was built by Autoplose Sadobre, the company from Bolzano, controlled by Autobrennero, which manages the Autoporto within which the Customs Agency operates.

Autoplose Sadobre is building a similar service station, which will be equipped not only with traditional fuels but also with LNG and bioLNG in the Pontebba Autoporto, 27 kilometers from the Italian-Austrian border of Tarvisio-Coccau.

The new plant is connected to the A23 motorway which connects Venice-Marghera, passing through Udine, to Eastern Europe, and which should be operational by September of this year.

On the occasion of the start of the bioLNG service in Sadobre, Diego Cattoni, CEO of Autostrada del Brennero, declared "Our company policy for the next few years will always be aimed at achieving, or promoting a progressive technological evolution of mobility such as to to obtain a real Green Corridor across the Alps”.
