The LNG prospects for the maritime sector seen from Genova

On 12 September the Propeller Club Genova, with the collaboration of Wartsila, organized a meeting on the National Energy Strategy and the infrastructures for LNG. The event saw the large participation of representatives of all the branches of the maritime sector from Genova. The presentation of some reports was followed by an in-depth discussion on the role of the Port of Genoa and the need to provide it with adequate infrastructures for the LNG.

After the introduction Bruno Dionisi from Propeller Genova, Marco Golinelli from Wartsila intervened with a report that reviewed the state of  direct uses of LNG globally  and confirmed the strategy of Finnish company  to propose itself as a global operator of the whole sector

In addition to the more up-to-date growth prospects for the direct uses of LNG, some new data, such as the availability of maritime refueling stations, war highlighted: in Europe 26 on-line, 12 under construction and 25 projected; 15 operating in Norway with 2 under construction and 6 to be approved; 13 in Asia, 6 under construction and 4 to be approved; 5 active in America with 6 under construction; 4 operating in Oceania as in the Middle East.

Giuseppe Guida, Tractebel's gas product manager (Engie group), also illustrated the progress of the main projects for coastal deposits and other infrastructures in the Mediterranean for the supply of LNG, in which the company is involved. The progress made by the Fos plant in Marseilles are very interesting. Tha company will soon be able to supply the bunker vessels, in the port of Patras and in the Revitoussa regasification plant in Greece, as well as the update on the Malta projects, again for the supply of LNG.

Domenico Napoli, C.V. of the Port Authority of Genoa, of which he directs the technical-administrative department  exposed on the general regulatory context of LNG for maritime uses and in particular for supplies, indicating the solutions and procedures already available today.

All the reports have shown that all the technological and operational solutions necessary for the global development of LNG maritime transport are already operational in the world. The full reports are available at the Propeller Clubs address:


by ConferenzaGNL