Lombardy Region, with the entry into service in the coming months of 12 new liquid methane service stations, will be the region that in Italy will have the largest number of plants for the supply of LNG for transport, in total 21, of which 9 already in operation. This result will bring the average distance between the plants in the region to about 550 km, compared to the current average distance of 1,300 Km on 11,700 kilometers of primary roads. This goal was possible also thanks to the assignment by the Region of funds (2 million euros) for the development of a network of LNG distribution plants for public use approved in December 2018 by the Regional Council. The contribution for each of the 12 new plants will be around 165 thousand euros. This measure is part of the broader national strategic framework for the development of an alternative fuels market and specifically for the creation of an LNG distribution network (one every  400 km) by 2025 for the supply of heavy transport vehicles, in particular for those who travel for medium-long distances. It is important also to note that heavy vehicles fueled by LNG can travel at least for 800 kilometers with a full tank, distance that can reach  1,600 km if they are equipped with a double tank.

Source: Regione Lombardia