Small scale LNG and shareholding change procedures started for OLT

The Ministry of Economic Development has received the authorization request for the upgrading works of the OLT regasification terminal, located 11 miles from Livorno with a capacity of 3.7 billion of natural gas, for the LNG tankers loading (LNG logistics in the Mediterranean will be discussed in depth in the next 5th International Conference on Small Scale LNG of 15-16 May in Naples).

The initiative, announced some time ago, aims to provide the country with the first national LNG refueling point for direct uses from one of the three "primary deposits" identified by the DAFI legislative decree (the other two, foreseen by the Framework should be the Adriatic LNG off the coast of Rovigo and GNL Italia in the Gulf of La Spezia).

This was announced by Liliana Panei, manager of the MISE, during the meeting organized by the OLT with Assocostieri on March 14th for the presentation to the local authorities of the Safety, Environment, Territory 2018 Report and the 2018 update of the Environmental Declaration - EMAS. Alessandro Fino, CEO of Olt, speaking with the press during the event, has foreseen forty LNG uploads per year for about 200 thousand m3 starting from 2021.

The project’s realization will require 5 million euros, and will allow the LNG loading on boats of small dimension in the open sea. Tankers will be able to feed the coastal deposits in the Tyrrhenian and Sardinia as well as the ships directly.

In the same days Uniper sold its 48.2% shareholding in OLT to the Australian fund First State for about 400 million euros. A note from the company clarified that the plant represented for Uniper only a financial participation.

Source: ConferenzaGNLCorrieremarittimo