Norwegian company Skangas announced that it completed 1,000 liquid natural gas (LNG) bunkering operations in 2017, representing more than 60% increase over previous years.

As more and more operators convert their ships to clean fuel with LNG and dual-fuelled engines to power them, demand has risen significantly,” said Gunnar Helmen, Sales Manager - Marine for Skangas. “This is particularly true in European waters where, until recently, most of the traffic consisted of ferries and RoPax cruise ferries routinely traveling set routes. Today, the supply pattern is more diverse due to the use of a greater variety of vessels, that require different types of bunkering solutions. And we are responding directly by offering a number of solutions for this market.

During 2017, the 1,000 LNG bunkering operations of Skangas were carried out as follows:

  • Truck-to-Ship in port: 60%
  • Terminal-to-Ship: 38%
  • Ship-to-Ship (in port or at sea): 2%

As responsible marine transport and shipping companies seek cleaner fuel alternatives to power their fleets, Skangas expects demand for LNG by the marine market to increase significantly during the coming years. “Already, the number of bunkering operations we’ve executed for the marine market is higher than in Q1 2017,” says Helmen with a vein of optimism  “Clearly, 2018 is set to be another exciting year for Skangas, as we continue to provide readily accessible LNG to industries that operate at sea and onshore throughout the Nordics.”