Six companies interested in LNG deposit in the Port of Augusta

The market survey launched at the end of 2018 by the Portual Authority (AdSP) of the Eastern Sicilian Sea to identify individuals potentially interested in creating and operating a coastal LNG deposit in the port of Augusta ended positively (read article HERE).

The AdSP has announced that within the scheduled time six expressions of interest have been received by the following companies: Edison S.p.A., HIGAS S.r.l., Maxcom Petroli S.p.A., Neri Vulcangas Investimenti S.r.l. and Poseidon S.c.a.r.l. (joint application), Sasol Italy S.p.A. and Snam S.p.A., all active for various reasons in sectors connected to the LNG bunkering sector or already engaged in LNG storage projects in other ports.

Edison, for example, has already started the construction of a similar infrastructure in Ravenna, in partnership with the local group PIR (Petrolifera Italo Rumena) and in Oristano, in the same Sardinian port where HIGAS (controlled by the marine group Stolt-Nielsen and participated by Gas and Heat and CPL Concordia) has already started to build its own liquefied natural gas warehouse.

Other expressions of interest were received by Maxcom Petroli, a Roman-Jacorossi family company, active in bunker trading through Bunker Energy and in the physical supply of naval fuel in Augusta through its subsidiary Anapo and  by Neri Vulcangas Investimenti (jointly with Poseidon), a joint venture set up by the group Neri Depositi Costieri and Società Italiana Gas Liquidi - Vulcangas (active in the distribution of LPG) to give life, in partnership with Eni and Liquigas (also operating in the distribution of LPG), to the newco Livorno LNG Terminal whose task is to create a coastal storage of LNG in the Port of Livornot.

The other applications concerned Snam, which recently reached an agreement with Fincantieri to explore possible collaborations in relation to small scale LNG projects in port areas and Sasol Italy, the Italian branch of the South African group Sasol, which already has a own production plant in Augusta specialized in n-paraffins, n-olefins, alkylates and alcohols.

Now the ADSP will have to convene a meeting with all the parties that have expressed an interest for "starting a comparison on the technical characteristics and the location of the storage depot". Once these points have been clarified, within the following 60-90 days, the authority could start the public tender procedure to entrust the construction and management, through a State concession, of the future LNG deposit in the Sicilian Port of Augusta.

Source: OilGasNews