This month was signed in Rome at the presence of Minister Graziano Delrio a collaboration agreement between the associations Assoporti, Federchimica / Assogasliquidi, Assocostieri, Confitarma and Assarmatori, for the use of liquefied natural gas in Italian ports. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport communicates this in a press release.

The agreement establishes a working table between the main trade associations, with the coordination of Assoporti, the organization that groups the Port Authorities. The first objective is to carry out a strategic, juridical-administrative, orientation, staff training and operational study focused on the use of liquefied natural gas in port areas. "This agreement -declared Minister Delrio represents an important cooperation aimed at making ports a driving force for economic development and sustainable innovation. I trust in a high level joint action between the associations involved ".

Font: Ministry of infrastructure and transport