Russia’s LNG-Gorskaya said it has been given a permit by the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot) to invest into the construction of a liquefied natural gas port in Saint-Petersburg. The project to be implemented on the coast of the Gulf of Finland includes the establishment of a production facility assembled on three non-self-propelled barges, LNG-Gorskaya said. LNG-Gorskaya says each of the three barges will have an annual capacity of 656 mln cubic meters for a total of 1.968 billion cubic meters of natural gas. LNG production capacity is expected to be at 1.26 million tons per year. The project will be developed in three stages with the first stage starting up in 2018 and first sales expected in 2019. The second and the third stage are scheduled for development in 2019 and 2021, according to the LNG-Gorskaya’s website. The first stage also includes the construction of three 7,000 cbm bunkering vessels LNG Gorskaya has already ordered at United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC). The second phase includes the development of onshore infrastructure.