Ready go! New course for direct uses of LNG

by Diego Gavagnin e Sergio Garribba

The webinars organized in recent weeks by ConferenzaGNL, in collaboration with industry associations, aroused great interest, followed by hundreds of operators and stakeholders. The goal was to give voice to an industrial chain that has been silenced by the quarantine months, to take stock and think about the future.

We will not summarize here the information, the evaluations, the new ideas and the proposals that emerged, for which we refer to the extensive and in-depth press review edited by the energy newspapers, and for those who could not follow us to the recordings of the events (
Click here for the first webinar, Click here for the second webinar).

Despite its youth, LNG for transportation and other direct uses has shown unexpected solidity and maturity during the health crisis, and we share the opinion of those who said that it makes no sense to speak of it as one of the subjects for the transition energy. It is already the transition.

The world's economic systems now have immediately a widely available technological platform on which to work to go further with rationality and efficiency. Especially in Europe there will be a lot of work to be done to consolidate this role that is not recognized by everyone.

Below is the message sent to us by Prof. Sergio Garribba, President of the GNL Conference Scientific Committee, which with the usual lucidity and attention summarizes in a few words the state of the art, context and next steps of the national chain of small scale LNG, with particular reference to the evolution of the DAFI Directive and the European regulatory context.

Concluding considerations of the online events of GNL Conference of June 2020

Participants, friends

  1. I believe that a virtual applause should be directed to the staff of Mirumir, the organizing company of the GNL Conference events, to Diego Gavagnin, Coordinator of the Scientific Committee, who gathered us and animated the debate, to Tommaso Franci for his stimulus and problematic introduction to the work, to Daniela Pitton who effectively connected us, to all those who intervened on behalf of companies, associations, public administrations, universities and institutions. We are at the end of a cycle of webinars that in today's common words I would define the LNG General States for a new role in Italy and Europe.


  2. Central to the DAFI directive which will remain unchanged for some time. Here despite the progress made in implementation, many would like a clear signal to be given to the government on obstacles and delays, especially on the evident shortcomings in the LNG distribution and "delivery" system. The goal is also to provide the Government with useful elements in the process of defining the promised decree on administrative and authorization simplifications. A question that many have asked and that does not find certain answers concerns the consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic.


  3. With reference to the new DAFI or other similar initiative, it seems to me that a substantial convergence of positions emerges from the webinars which I would summarize in a very schematic way with two strong NOs, three YES and four CONSTRAINTS or OBLIGATIONS.

The two NO:

    • to prevent the new DAFI from representing a forward flight against a realistic and pragmatic approach;
    • avoid an ideological curve in the new DAFI, like everything electric and hydrogen right from the start.

The three YES:

    • neutrality with regard to fuels and fuels and infrastructure;
    • time horizons and certain paths in the transition-transformation of the energy-transport system;
    • flexibility towards national approaches with the same great objectives to be achieved.


    • harmonization and fiscal certainty so as not to penalize long-term commitment and investments in the LNG chain;
    • involvement of companies and their associations for sustainable development and competitiveness;
    • attention for sectors other than transport interested in the use of LNG on a small scale and exploitation of possible synergies;
    • involvement of financial institutions, when, on the other hand, an EIB and other unfavorable attitude towards natural gas infrastructures is noted today.
  1. Lastly, the OPPORTUNITIES offered by some links were highlighted, including:

    • first, it is the link between the new DAFI, the European Green Deal and the European Climate Law;
    • second, it is the connection with the PNIECs, in particular with the Italian PNIEC;
    • third, attention is paid to the use of expected financial resources such as the European Next Generation Fund (Recovery Fund) and others;
    • fourth, are the possible European collaborations and alliances with Greece, Spain, perhaps France, Germany and others, the Mediterranean opportunities (as has been said for West-Med), the examples and experiences outside Europe of countries such as the United States, China and Japan.


  2. As always, we must look with the optimism of the will to the future that awaits us and to we want to be actors and protagonists.

  Sergio Garribba