The Port of Rotterdam has released its latest freight and shipping figures for Q1 2018.

Total LNG throughput was 700,000 tons higher than last year (a 210% increase). Furthermore, a record volume of over 500,000 tons  was logged in February. This growth concerned both the supply and distribution of LNG and confirms the importance of Rotterdam as a LNG trading hub.

It is not yet possible to discriminate in this result the role of the small scale GNL, which according to the operators in the sector begins to be seen but is not currently listed. In fact, the port of Rotterdam with ship to ship supplies and trucks is growing as a hub for the direct uses of LNG.

The total LNG throughput at the Gate facility reached about 1.99 million mt in 2017, as compared to 1.70 million mt in 2016.

SourceLNG World News