Gas and Heat was requested by Higas to conduct the Preliminary Risk Assessment Study and relevant follow up for  a Small Small Scale LNG Storage Terminal to be located in the Oristano Port (Sardinia, Italy) with the aim to supply Natural Gas to regional small and mid size industries, civil users as well as providing bunker to LNG fuelled vessels. The Study has been used for the application at the Regional Fire Brigate DPT to obtaining the Permit to build the plant.

Gas and Heat is proud to announce that the Permit has been granted to Higas few days ago. Once built, the Terminal will be the first ever of its kind in Italy and in the Med. An Environmental Screening Procedure is also ongoing and expected to be Granted by mid July.

Finally, the procedure to obtain the Governmental Authorization to build and operate the plant, to be granted by the Italian Ministry for the Economic Development (MISE), has started on the 17th of May and is expected to be granted by end of September.