In last December, Norwegian aquaculture group Nordlaks has ordered a second live fish carrier equipped with liquefied natural gas (LNG) and battery hybrid propulsion at the Turkish Tersan shipyard, whose delivery is scheduled for 2021.

The new unit will be identical to the former dual-fuel ordered ship, based on a project developed by the Norwegian NSK Ship Design AS of Harstad and already under construction at the Tersan shipyard of Tuzla; its delivery is expected in February 2020, after the metal cutting started in October 2018.

Only with the use of battery pack, onshore power and LED lights, each of the new boats will reduce the environmental impact of 1,864 tons of CO2 a year.

Norwegian government agency Enova SF, controlled by the Ministry of Climate and Environment with the mission to strengthen the country's energy security and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, supports the project with more than 3.1 million crowns (around 320,000 Euros).  

Furthermore, Norwegian NOx Fund, the business sector's own support scheme, helps the second boat with up to NOK 56 million (nearly 5.8 million Euros). The major aid is based on the large NOx reduction (90%) that the vessel achieves switching from diesel to LNG, according to Tommy Johnsen General Manager at the NOx Fund.

NOx emissions reductions are estimated 136 tons, corresponding to NOx released from approximately 85,000 new diesel cars with EURO 6 emission standard.

[embed][/embed] Source: Nordlaks