Recently in Spain, the HAM and GALP companies and the Port of Barcelona have inaugurated  the first natural gas station of the state port system, a key facility to promote the use of natural gas as an alternative fuel for land transport of goods.

The new facility has a cryogenic LNG tank, with a capacity of 60 cubic meters, two liquefied natural gas (LNG) dispensers and two compressed natural gas (CNG) pumps for trucks and vehicles.

The event was attended by the Marketing and Strategy manager of the HAM Group, Antoni Murugó Solé; the President of the Port of Barcelona, Mercè Conesa; the Environmental manager of the Port, Jordi Vila; and the Commercial Manager for Gas & Power of GALP, Fernando Martín-Nieto Vaquero

The gas station, which  is located into the GALP service station on the Y Street in the Port of Barcelona,  it is the result of an agreement between HAM, in charge of the construction and operation of the LNG station, and GALP, which has carried out the improvement of the facilities.

Moreover, its construction has been co-financed by European Union, through the CHAMeleon project, aimed at developing the gas supply infrastructure as vehicular fuel in the Mediterranean land corridor Barcelona-Ljubljana.

Antoni Murugó Solé, remarking the excellent location in a key logistics point such as the Port of Barcelona, has commented “This gas station is added to the 21 stations operated by HAM and confirms our commitment to the environment and our firm commitment to LNG as a fuel for heavy transport.”

Source: Ham Espana