MSC Cruises and STX France have signed a letter of intent (LOI) for the construction of up to four LNG-powered cruise ships. The total order cost is estimated at US$ 4.5 billion. It is thus growing international interest for cruise ships powered by LNG, a topic which will be discussed in the next WorkshopGNL "Italian hub for natural gas, LNG opportunities for maritime transport in the Mediterranean" which will be held at the naval base of Augusta (Sicily), on May 13  2016. The four LNG-powered ships, which will be known as a ‘World Class’, will have a gross tonnage of  200.000 and  more than 2,700 staterooms and approximately 5,400 lower berth occupancy capacity. The first ship is expected to be delivered in 2022, with the others following in 2024, 2025 and 2026. Pierfrancesco Vago, MSC Cruises Executive Chairman, said: "The new MSC Cruise World Class prototype will feature the latest and the best state-of-the-art smart technology and use the most advanced environmentally-friendly technology available with LNG-propelled engines."