Lombardy Region published a call for public LNG facilities to be implemented in the regional grid, as the council  deliberated  on a proposal from the Economic Development department launched last December. The budget is 2 million €.

The call is for micro, small and medium sized enterprises based in Lombardy who deal with the fuel distribution. The call is a non-repayable grant of  a maximum of 200 thousands euro per project (about 25% of the total investment cost of a LNG refueling station).

The aim of the project is to spread across Lombardy region  public LNG stations in order to realize an “innovative distribution network based on a low carbon fuel, that it is also effective for heavy transport vehicles, in particular for those that make medium-long distance journeys”.

Nowadays Lombardy can rely on 4 (over 43 over the whole Italian territory) LNG stations provided with cryogenic tanks that can directly supply LNG to trucks and L-CNG to cars, while the current LNG stations linked to the national gas grid are already 165.

The subsidy are for  the purchase and installation of cryogenic tanks, the LNG plant design and measurement and distribution facilities, the platform roofs, the facilities for the safety of the plant and the design cost (max 5% of the total investment cost), works supervision and consultancy.

Projects will be evaluated according to criteria that reward facilities near main road axes (highways, main ordinary roads ) inter-modal transport and the location of these facilities in not-supplyed areas. Applications can be submitted from April 30th to June 4th, 2019.

Source: Regione Lombardia