Lidl project for LNG in Switzerland

Krummen Kerzers AG and  Lidl Switzerland are taking steps to forbid diesel combustion engines in Swiss logistics by introducing LNG vehicles in Switzerland. The companies will finance and operate the necessary infrastructures.

LNG vehicles emit 10-15% less CO2, 35% less nitrogen oxides, 50% less noise and 95% less particulate matter compared to diesel ones.

There is still no LNG infrastructure in Switzerland and therefore no LNG vehicles.

Lidl Switzerland, together with Krummen Kerzers, are changing that situation The two companies will realize both the first filling station infrastructure in Switzerland and the first LNG vehicles.

“Such vehicles are cleaner and quieter than diesel ones and give us the opportunity to do something for our environment right away. Until mature technologies for fossil-free logistics exist, we do not want to remain inactive, but use the most appropriate technology and promote it,” said Alessandro Wolf, Chief Operating Officer at Lidl Switzerland.

“Thanks to the active support of Lidl Switzerland, we can already put our vision into practice in the first half of 2019. We will commission Switzerland’s first LNG vehicles and thereby significantly reduce CO2 emissions and air pollutants,” said Peter Krummen, CEO of Krummen Kerzers, about the cooperation with Lidl Switzerland.

Mathias Bürgi, Managing Director of Swiss Climate, comments: “Lidl Switzerland has once again demonstrated its pioneering and innovative spirit by choosing the transition technology LNG as the holder of the Swiss Climate CO2 Label and the Lean & Green Award. Lidl thus emphasizes the consistent pursuit of its reduction targets, creates further scope for CO2 reduction and additionally contributes to the reduction of air pollutants and noise in cities and agglomerations.”



Source: Krummen Kerzers