
Steps forward for small scale LNG in Augusta (Sicily)

Steps forward for small scale LNG in Augusta (Sicily)

The Services Conference called by the Port System Authority of the Eastern Sicily Sea on the request for a maritime state property concession presented by the company Restart Consulting Srl for the construction of a small scale LNG deposit in the port of Augusta was positively concluded at the end of October.
In the water the Moby Fantasy, the first LNG ferry of the Onorato Group

In the water the Moby Fantasy, the first LNG ferry of the Onorato Group

Last November 6, at the GSI shipyard in Guangzhou, China, the Moby Fantasy was launched, the first of the two new-generation units of the Onorato Shipping Group ready for LNG. The ships, Moby Legacy the name of the twin, will enter service from 2023 on the Livorno-Olbia (Sardinia) line.
In Ravenna the first continental coastal LNG deposit in southern Europe

In Ravenna the first continental coastal LNG deposit in southern Europe

The inauguration of the first coastal depot for the primary supply of small-scale LNG in mainland Italy, and in southern Europe, which took place last October 26 in the port of Ravenna, marks the overcoming of the main limit that conditioned the development of direct uses of the liquid natural gas in our Country.
Venice LNG Open Season

Venice LNG Open Season

The Open Season launched by Venice LNG for the volumes of storage and services offered by the coastal depot located in the South Industrial Canal of Porto Marghera opened on 26 October and will last until 26 November
Record of orders for LNG ships in September 2021

Record of orders for LNG ships in September 2021

The International Foundation DNV, mainly engaged in naval classification and naval counselling, has shown a record-breaking number of orders for LNG fuelled ships during last month. Last month’s orders of 35 LNG fuelled ships have topped the previous record established in April 2021 (31 LNG fuelled ships). If compared to the month of August, there has been an increase of 23 ships ordered.