The Fratelli Cosulich Group of Genoa has doubled in recent days the order for an LNG tanker, the twin of the one ordered last May, at the Chinese shipyard Nantong CIMC Sinopacific Offshore and Engineering.
The energy company Gasum, active in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Germany, leader in the liquid methane sector, last August won the competitive tender organized by the Finnish government purchasing center for the supply of LNG and bioGNL to the Transport Agency and the Coast Guard for 2021-2022.
Abbiamo intervistato Giorgio Copelli, Direttore Industry & Renewables Ecospray, in vista della sesta edizione della Conferenza Internazionale ed Expo di ConferenzaGNL® in programma a BolognaFiere, dal 6 all'8 ottobre 2021
In August, Petronet LNG, the country's largest importer of liquefied natural gas, controlled by the Indian state, announced a plan to build 1,000 LNG service stations over the next 4-5 years, with the aim of diversify its activities in the transport sector, today concentrated in the supply of power plants and city distribution networks.
Edison has successfully started the first technical test of filling with liquefied natural gas (LNG) the Small Scale coastal depot in Ravenna, owned by Depositi Italiani GNL, DIG (51% Pir, 30% Edison, 19% Scale Gas).