Venice LNG, the new company born from the union of two Italian industrial groups Decal Spa and San Marco Gas (sister company of San Marco Petroli), active in Porto Marghera for over 50 years in the storage and distribution of petroleum and petrochemical products , yesterday officially presented the project for the construction of the coastal storage tank for liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the industrial area of ​​Porto Marghera, which will involve an investment of over 100 million euros. The Newco Venice LNG, in which Decal holds 65% of the shares and San Marco Gas the remaining 35%) estimates that it can manage - in an initial phase (2021) - an annual movement of 150,000 cubic meters of LNG and of  900,000 cubic meters per year - when fully operational in the long term (2030) - dedicated for approximately 73% to road transport, about 20% to maritime transport and the for rest to local port services. Gian Luigi Triboldi, President and CEO of Venice LNG, underlined "Once again, assuming responsibility for a great entrepreneurial risk, we are investing here: we wish for Porto Marghera to be a protagonist of the energy transition towards cleaner fuels, essential for continue to do business in Italy and to guarantee a better future for the next generations". The project - cofinanced by the European Commission as part of the Gainn4Sea package  thanks to a collaboration with the Northern Adriatic Port System Authority and Rimorchiatori Riuniti Panfido company - provides for the construction of a 32.000 cm  LNG import terminal able to receive feeder ships up to 30.000 cm in an area owned by Decal Spa, alongside the existing oil storage site along the South Industrial Canal, on restored land (formerly used by a coal  plant) currently not affected by productive activities. In addition to the storage tank, the project also includes other works: the construction of the infrastructure that will allow the arrival of ships on Decal 1 platform and a system to allow the loading of barges, at east of the same quay; the creation of 5 lanes for the supply of tankers, the installation of BOG (Boil Off Gas) management systems, as well as of course the construction of equipment and buildings that will host the deposit management activity. "Porto Marghera is accelerating in recent years”  said the President of the Port Authority of the Adriatic Sea, Pino Musolino – “and there are many industrial initiatives that are taking shape. With the Panfido company we are building a LNG barge designed in Venice that we will export abroad  and will serve to supply both our port and other neighboring structures, like Koper, which are still behind.This is a type of market where the supply creates the demand, establishing important virtuous circles. "