Venice LNG Open Season

The Open Season launched by Venice LNG for the volumes of storage and services offered by the coastal depot located in the South Industrial Canal of Porto Marghera opened on 26 October and will last until 26 November. The depot, already authorized and which will be operational by the end of 2024, offers its customers a storage capacity of 32,000 cubic meters of LNG, supplied by small and medium-sized gas carriers (maximum 30,000 cubic meters). In addition to tankers, the depot will also be able to supply bunkers for ship to ship and isocontainers, due to its proximity to the railway line.

The initial movement of LNG volumes will be 150 thousand cubic meters / year, to reach 900 thousand cubic meters / year when fully operational, quantities consistent with the development forecasts of the land market in northern Italy, in north-eastern Europe and in the maritime in the upper Adriatic. The depot boasts a strategic position for both land and sea routes. Without any modification, the Venice LNG depot will be able to be fueled with bioGNL and the site will be able to host any deposits of other “green” fuels that arrive on the market.

The parent company Decal Spa has been operating for over 50 years in Porto Marghera and in other 5 countries of the world on behalf of third parties in the storage and handling of petroleum, chemical and petrochemical products, biofuels and vegetable oils. The know-how achieved in over half a century of entrepreneurship is now available for LNG storage services, a fuel which, among other things, will make it possible to drastically reduce pollutants in the atmosphere and in lagoon waters.

Source: Press release Venice LNG