The first Russian LNG tanker is on the way

According to reports from the energy company Gazprom Neft, a leading Russian energy company in the oil & gas sector, the first LNG tanker is completing loading, storage and unloading tests, after completing maritime tests before the summer.

The ship, named “Dmitry Mendeleev”, should enter in service within the end of this year. The next phase of testing will involve the systems for LNG loading, storing and charging systems. The Dmitry Mendeleev is an Ice Class Arc4 vessel which will be able to transport up to 5.800 cubic meters of LNG and to cross the Artic route. The ship will operate between the ports of Saint Petersburg, Ust-Luga and Primorsk. The current trends of modernization of the shipping sector are in line with the new environmental standards. As a matter of fact, the IMO has set as an objective, the reduction of naval CO2 emissions of at least 50% before 2050, if compared to 2008 levels, with a reduction of carbon intensity to at least 40% before 2030.

Source: TheMediTelegraph