The Spanish energy company Endesa is currently testing a liquefied natural gas (LNG) truck to transport ... coal. It's not usual, but the energy provider is looking to reduce the financial cost and environmental impact of the truck ballet that feeds the As Pontes power plant,a four-unit coal-fired power plant with a total generation capacity of about 1,400 MW. An experiment that will perhaps result in a renewal of the fleet according to the results obtained.
Every year, four million tons of coal will end up burned in the thermal power plant of As Pontes (near La Coruna), in the northwest of Spain, and every day one hundred trucks connect the 40 kilometers that separate the Terminal of Ferrol with the power plan. An environmental difficulty and a high cost for operator Endesa, controlled by Enel, who is looking to catch up.
Via its supplier Pérez Torres, owner of the trucks, the energy supplier is testing a natural gas model Iveco Stralis NP equipped with a 400 horsepower motor suited to the winding profile of the road that it takes daily.It has the same capabilities as its diesel fuel counterparts and can cross 1500 kilometers enough to make 15 return trips between the port of Ferrol and the plant of As Pontes, and if the experience is conclusive, the service provider does not exclude the purchase of additional natural gas trucks.