Spain: the RaiLNG project continues with the integration of Segula

The implementation of the RaiLNG project continues, promoted by the Spanish consortium formed by Renfe, Enagas, Naturgy and ECA / Bureau Veritas, selected by the European Executive Agency for Innovation and Networks (INEA) to demonstrate the technical, economic, environmental and legal feasibility of LNG railway traction in Spain and in the EU.

Last February, the Consortium selected SEGULA Technologies, specialized in the railway sector, for the engineering of the infrastructure part of the project, which provides, in addition to vehicles, also an itinerant refueling system, which allows the transfer to other non-electrified railway corridors, in Spain and the European TEN-T network. The refueling of locomotives is considered the most critical point for the diffusion of LNG in the railway sector.

The project involves the execution of real tests on a minimum of 15,000 km to extract technical, environmental, logistical and economic data as well as a life cycle analysis (LCA), staff training and the granting of the necessary authorizations to perform the pilot test are also provided. The project budget, co-financed by the EU program Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is 4.8 million euros.

In Spain, where SEGULA Technologies has a Rail Centre of Excellence in Zaragoza, the group is recognised as the largest engineering company for the development of the railway sector :  “In recent years, Spain has become an international benchmark for rolling stock and we are delighted to be able to contribute in our turn to the evolution and transformation of the railway sector thanks to this Liquefied Natural Gas project,” explains José Ángel Martín, Director of the Segula Technologies Railway Division in Spain.

In Italy, Segula Technologies operates with a center of excellence in the railway field located in Vado Ligure. It is a historic rolling stock production plant, known in particular for the production of locomotives for the Italian and European market (E464 and TRAXX), for the collaboration with Hitachi on the V300ZEFIRO high-speed trains and for the ability to provide vehicles the approval and authorization to circulate on the Italian railway network.

Source: RaiLNG - Segula