The Central Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority (Naples, Salerno and Castellammare di Stabia) published on its website the expression of interest for the construction in the port of Napoli of an LNG storage facility.

The initiative, which was announced by Pietro Spirito (The Port Authority President) during 4th ConferenzaGNL held in Naples last May, includes an exploratory phase that will end within thirty days from the publication on the web site, to then proceed to a competitive comparison between the operators who will be candidates. At the end of this stage, the public competitive procedure will be launched to assign the concession.

"The identified procedure - explained Mr. Spirito - guarantees transparency and technical aspects sharing and it is also a consequence of European and national energy planning directives. “We have come to the manifestation of interest after a pre-feasibility study carried out by the University of Campania. Through this analysis we have identified the plant technical compatibility area in the port of Naples ".

The study carried out by the University of Campania will be useful for bidders reporting characteristics and location of the plant (optimal size in a range between 10 / 20 thousand cubic meters of LNG). Considering the logistical difficulties for the management of an LNG plant in the port of Naples, the study advocates among the possible solutions, that of a floating deposit hooked to a pier but movable if needed.

Bidders - which may also be a group of companies - must have already designed / built / managed LNG storage facilities.

Source: Central Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority -