Bordeaux Port Atlantique, the GIE Dragages Ports and the shipyard SOCARENAM have just signed, on 22 december 2017,  the contract formalizing the next construction of an innovative and eco-efficient LNG dredging ship that in summer 2019  will replace  the current dump drag "La Maqueline".

Following a European call for tenders launched in 2017, the GIE Dragages Ports has selected the offer of the shipyard SOCARENAM, based in Boulogne sur Mer.

In total, 20 million euros will be invested in the construction of this first LNG dredge.

Its  "dual fuel" type engine will use liquefied natural gas (LNG) as the main fuel and secondarily marine diesel , while the other main characteristics of the ship are an hull of approximately 40 meters  x 11m,  two azimuth thrusters and one bow thruster, injection of water at 2.5 bar and a minimum speed of 12 knots.

On the environmental front, it will reduce CO2 emissions by 25% and nitrogen oxides by 80% while virtually eliminating sulfur and particulate emissions.