Nauticor and Novatek to co-develop small scale LNG in the Baltic Sea

Nauticor GmbH & Co. KG and the Russian Novatek Green Energy have signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) regarding the cooperation in developing a joint LNG supply infrastructure in the Baltic Sea region.

Through this cooperation the two companies aim to further develop the marine LNG bunkering market by delivering via both bunker vessels and trucks. Special focus is placed on the development of such infrastructure in ports along the German Baltic Sea coast.

Both companies are already active market players in the North European LNG market and see significant potential for further growth by joining forces. Novatek has remarkable LNG production capacities in Yamal and Vysotsk which would be suitable to satisfy the growing demand for alternative fuels from shipping, logistics and industry in Central and Western Europe.

On the other side, the commitment of a strong player like Novatek, to support the development of small scale LNG infrastructure in the Baltic Sea and beyond, underlines Nauticor’s efforts to develop the last mile of the LNG supply chain from the terminal to the end-customer.

The Hamburg-based company started bunkering operations with the LNG bunker supply vessel Kairos in February of 2019, supplying the newly-built vessel Orion in the Port of Rostock. 

Recently, Finnish gas company Gasum has decided to acquire Nauticor’s Marine Bunkering businesses and other assets from their current owner, the Linde AG group. The transaction, subject to relevant approvals from competition authorities, should be completed during 2020.

Gregoire Hartig, Senior Business Development Manager of Nauticor, is persuaded that “this cooperation combining the strengths of a leading marine LNG provider with those of one of the world’s largest LNG producers will benefit those companies that chose using LNG as fuel as it is improving the availability of LNG in a growing number of locations.

Source: Nauticor - Novak