Maritime LNG in the Saipem-CDP alliance on the energy transition

There is also LNG in the framework agreement on the energy transition, signed by Saipem and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) on 6 May. In particular, the development of intervention models is envisaged for the promotion, development and construction of infrastructures for the supply, transformation and use of LNG in maritime transport.

CDP will bring its own economic and financial skills, the management of institutional relations both internationally, nationally and locally, and the management of relations with the Italian and international development cooperation system, for access to forms of technical assistance and financial support.

Saipem, given its experience and leadership in the engineering and construction of large infrastructures sectors, will bring the industrial, technical and commercial means and skills of the realization of complex projects and LNG infrastructures.

The collaboration agreement signed between Saipem and CDP - which in the 2019-2021 Business Plan introduced among its objectives that of supporting the country's energy transition - is aimed at supporting the achievement of the national objectives identified by the Italian National Energy and Climate Plan ( PNIEC).

Source: Saipem