LNG bunker boosting in Portugal

The Port of Sines in the north of Portugal, where is the one and only LNG regasification terminal of the country, has started liquefied natural gas refueling operations on 2 March by feeding the special suction dredger reflux with hoppers "Scheldt River", operative since 2017, with main LNG supply.

The bunker was carried out on the pier of the multipurpose quay by a tanker refueled at the loading buoys of the Transgas regasification terminal. Subsequently, on April 26, the port received the ship "Eagle Brasilia", docked at the Liquid Bulk Terminal, where it unloaded 100 thousand tons of crude oil destined for the local refinery. It is an Aframax type tanker with LNG main power, built in 2018, 250 meters long, 44 wide and a maximum draft of 15.

Previously, in 2017, but in the port of Funchal, constant LNG supply operations took place for the Carnival Group Aida Prima, the first LNG cruise ship that began operating in the Atlantic and Mediterranean.

At the Transgas regasification terminal, which has a total capacity of 240 thousand m3 of LNG, the road tankers supplying the 7 LNG service stations of Portugal currently in operation are also supplied, according to the maps of NGV Europe. All these stations also have the LNG vaporization service to supply cars with compressed gas.

The development of the LNG bunkering activities is to be related to the development projects of the Port, which launched an international tender for the construction of a new container terminal last October. According to a Reuters note, there is strong interest from American companies as it is the closest deep-sea port in continental Europe to the Panama Canal.

Sines would also be strategic for LNG exports from the United States. US Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette visited the port on February 12th.

Source: Porto di Sines-Algarve - 2