In the water the Moby Fantasy, the first LNG ferry of the Onorato Group

Last November 6, at the GSI shipyard in Guangzhou, China, the Moby Fantasy was launched, the first of the two new-generation units of the Onorato Shipping Group ready for LNG. The ships, Moby Legacy the name of the twin, will enter service from 2023 on the Livorno-Olbia (Sardinia) line.

It is the biggest ferry in the world - communicates the company - that will be able to create over 500 jobs between direct and induced. From record the numbers of the ship: 237 meters of length for 32 of width and a tonnage of 69.500 tons that can transport up to 2.500 passengers. 550 cabins, all with cruise ship standards. Thanks to more than 3,800 linear meters of garage it can carry up to 1,300 cars or 300 trucks; the engine power is 10.8 megawatts, for a cruising speed of 23.5 knots, with peaks of 25 knots.

Construction, with the first sheet metal cutting ceremony, began in June 2020. Work will now continue on interior fit-out and commissioning. In addition to the LNG system, the ships are also equipped with traditional motorization, coupled with scrubbers. The hope of ConferenzaGNL is that before the arrival of the ships an adequate logistic chain will be available to ensure LNG supplies and thus avoid the use of traditional fuels. At the same time, the authorization process by the Port Authorities of the ports involved must proceed.

Source: Ansa