With the approval of the Single Environmental Impact Assessment at the Italiana Ministry of Economic Development, the project to build a new LNG coastal deposit in the port of Ravenna, proposed by PIR Group (Petrolifera Italo Rumena) and Edison, has concluded its final authorization step.

The authorization process was suitably rapid, even if it required numerous technical and administrative stages, involving the Municipality of Ravenna, the Northern Sea Adriatic Port System Authority, Emilia Romagna Region and its organizations, and last the Italian Ministries of the Environment and for the Economic Development..

"I am very satisfied for the result obtained and the great collaboration with the Institutions that led to the positive outcome. We constantly worked in concert with public bodies, technical authorities and the population of the area involved, concluding a path of transparency and efficiency ", commented the General Manager and CEO of PIR Group, Guido Ottolenghi, on the sidelines of the  joint PIR-Edison communication disclosed on Tuesday, February 13.

The project, which will require  an estimated investment of 80 million euro, involves the construction of a storage facility for liquefied natural gas over an area of ​​about 23,000 square meters; it will house two tanks of 10,000 cubic meters each and a dedicated quay able to receive LNG tankers with capacity between 7,500 and 27,500 cubic meters, for refuelling barges (with load capacities of 1,000-4,000 cubic meters) and tank-trucks.

The construction of the structure, which will involve the inclusion of 30-40 employees, will begin in late spring and will require about 3 years.