Even L'Oreal chooses LNG and bioGNL

After the large-scale retail trade, food and non-food, even the beauty & cosmetics industry is now looking at the transport of products to reduce the overall ecological footprint of its activities. As part of the international program "L'Oreal for the Future" which defines the company's sustainability objectives for 2030, the "green deliveries" program was launched which provides for the use of sustainable fuel vehicles throughout the logistics chain.

In Italy, starting from the beginning of the year, the company's initiatives in this direction have multiplied: the first LNG and bioGNL-powered vehicles are being used on some sections located in the central-northern area of ​​Italy, while south, the company is working to replace the road flow with intermodal rail-road journeys. The differential in terms of emissions in the case of use of bioGNL leads to a reduction in total CO2 emissions of 181.23 tons equal to 67% compared to the use of conventional diesel vehicles. The data collected demonstrate the potential that large companies have to reduce CO2 emissions with the use of LNG.

Source: Loreal