The LNG project promoted by RWE Supply & Trading, Duisburger Hafen AG and the University of Duisburg-Essen in the river port of Duisburg, the town of North Rhine-Westphalia located at the confluence of the Ruhr and Rhine rivers, will receive a grant of € 740,000 from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

The joint project, which will last 29 months from January 2018 with a total cost of 1.5 million euros, includes scientific and demonstration experiments and the construction of a multimodal infrastructure of LNG that will be supplied to ships, port vehicles and trucks of local shippers. The core of the project, which already involved in its initial phase a mobile LNG refueling station that can be easily moved (see news, provides for the conversion of two port refueling devices from  diesel to LNG and the test operations of all handling equipment in the port, such as reach stackers, which will be tested and optimized in real conditions on a dual fuel basis (diesel / LNG) or with LNG only.

Andree Stracke, a member of the board of RWE Supply & Trading GmbH and head of the industrial customer and LNG sector, said: "We are pleased that our collective project has received funding." With its multimodal concept, the project sets the stage for sustainable mobility in the port of Duisburg ", while Erich Staake, Chairman of the Executive Board of Duisburg Hafen AG, said "the funding recognizes our effort to build an LNG infrastructure together with strong partners in the region. "

Arnim Spengler of the Construction Management Chair at the University of Duisburg-Essen: "We provide experimental equipment and sensors to determine CO2 emissions, particulate emissions and changes in consumption that are important for the assessment of environmental flows and impacts of the entire life cycle (LCA) of the project. "