Jinan, the capital of eastern China’s Shandong province, on November 1 issued the Jinan City Air Pollution Prevention Action Plan (phase II), which gives notice that by end of 2017, the ambient air quality will improve 35% compared to 2013. One of the measures proposed to address this target is a major focus on cleaner public transportation, including natural gas vehicles.

In the field of urban public transport and the promotion of clean fuel and new energy vehicles, the government is calling for an annual increase of 70% or more buses and taxis.

Infrastructure is also addressed, the target being to increase in the city and surrounding areas the number of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) filling stations: 8 new CNG stations and 5 new LNG stations by end of 2016 and 7 new CNG stations and 7 new LNG stations by end of 2017.

By the end of 2017, CNG filling stations will have a daily supply capacity of 1.35 million cubic meters and LNG filling stations a daily supply capacity of 0.6 million cubic meters.

Thanks to the wide promotion of LNG vehicles and the maturity of technologies about LNG gas stations, the number of Chinese LNG gas stations jumped from 241 in 2011 to 2,500 in 2014.