On Friday 13 May 2016 from 9.00 to 18.00 the Navy Officers Club of Augusta (Italy) will be hosting the workshop

Italy, the hub of natural gas. LNG as an opportunity for maritime transport in the Mediterranean

In collaboration with Italyan Navy
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Institutions, operators and industry experts will discuss national and international commitments and strategies to reduce the environmental impact of vessel traffic on the marine and coastal environment, with particular reference to the Strait of Sicily. The Italian Navy will illustrate its commitment in the “Flotta Verde” (Green Fleet) programme.

The Workshop is divided into two thematic sessions, one dedicated to vessel traffic and its environmental impact, the other to the infrastructure necessary to make Italy the Euro-Mediterranean hub for LNG and natural gas.

The programme also includes two round tables where administrators and representatives of the major companies in the sector will describe their objectives, strategies and projects.

[button link="http://www.conferenzagnl.com/sito/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Augusta-preliminary-program_5Apr16-rev-ps.pdf" size="medium" target="new" color="blue"]DOWNLOAD THE PROGRAM[/button]

WorkshopGNL in Augusta is a focus meeting organized by ConferenzaGNL, the main biennial event in the Mediterranean area dedicated to LNG direct uses, and is organized in collaboration with WEC Italia. The coming 4th ConferenzaGNL and 2nd FieraGNL will be held in the spring 2017.

ConferenzaGNL is an independent initiative which aims to promote new industrial operations concerning liquefied natural gas for maritime transport, heavy inland transport and for industrial and civil use in Italy and the Mediterranean.

For further information about the event and how to take part in it, please write to  segreteria@conferenzagnl.com