LNG and biomethane/bioLNG, the big news of the last years in the gas transport sector, will be at the center of the next edition of Metanauto, the historic event of Federmetano, the federation of methane distributors for motor vehicles, which celebrates 70 years of activity .

The event will take place on 13 and 14 November 2018 at the Auditorium Congress Center, FICO Eataly World (Via Paolo Canali, 8 - Bologna) and will be attended by representatives of institutions, universities and companies who will talk and illustrate the innovations and future perspectives for the sector.

On the first day we will talk about the spread of liquefied natural gas infrastructures, which in addition to allowing the direct supply of heavy vehicles, makes it possible to install methane gas service stations for road transport even in areas not served by the pipeline network or where the distance makes the connection uneconomical.

The new service stations require a cryogenic tank and a vaporization system to bring the liquid methane back to the gaseous state and the pressure required to refuel the cars, as well as other dedicated technological equipment. These are important news for the traditional operators to whom Metanauto wants to offer an opportunity for information and dialogue.

The speakers will focus on the design and construction of LNG distribution plants for the automotive, marketing and transportation of the product in Italy, with particular attention to technical regulations. Case studies of sustainable logistics and business realities that have chosen liquid methane for their fleets will be illustrated.

Great attention will be paid to the incentive policies for the renewal of the vehicle fleet of road haulage companies and to the main manufacturers of industrial vehicles powered by natural gas. Finally, part of the day will be dedicated to the state of the art of authorization concerning LNG coastal deposits in order  to minimize the distribution chain.

The following day will be dedicated to the possibility of using also biomethane and bioGNL for transport, considered renewable sources with zero environmental impact because they are produced with agricultural waste, livestock waste and organic waste.

Source:  Federmetano press release