The new LNG supply station manufactured by HAM Italy on behalf of the Vulcangas Group in Castel San Pietro Terme (Bologna), is located near the A14 motorway exit, a strategic hub for domestic and international freight traffic. Vehicles powered by liquefied natural gas in Italy today can count on three supply points located in strategic nodes for freight traffic. The opening ceremony, which took place last June 9 in Castel San Pietro Terme, was attended by  authorities, the press and public participation, confirming the great interest in this energy source, while some exposed Iveco Stralis vehicles (Natural Power C-NLG), powered by liquefied natural gas (Natural Power C-NLG)  have aroused the interest of the public. . Fabio Pellegrinelli, Gas Business Development Iveco Italy, during his speech drew attention to the importance of this new opening which confirms and supports the growing demand for sustainable transport, an essential requirement today, towards which Iveco has always focused, and which it can boast twenty years of experience. Incidentally, in the past few days IVECO presented the latest evolution of the New Stralis gas NP which has a 400 hp engine and 1,700 Nm of torque, just like its diesel equivalent, equipped with a maximum autonomy of 1,500 km. The improvements introduced in the New Stralis NP contribute to the reduction of 3% of the total cost of ownership  than the previous model, already able to reduce up to 40% the cost of fuel than its diesel equivalent.