Higas, Sardinia: six months to go

The countdown to the first coastal LNG deposit in the Mediterranean has begun. Only six months to complete the plant in the Port of Santa Giusta, Oristano, which will be able to supply LNG to Sardinia, starting the methanization of the island. The works carry on rapidly in order to maintain the deadline set at the beginning of August 2020.

At the plant, the three remaining tanks are currently being placed in the concrete boxes to complete the work. The cryogenic containers, kept at around minus 160 degrees Celsius, which are necessary to contain the LNG, were delivered in recent days by the building company, Gas and Heat (which is participating in the project after having started it together with CPL Concordia).

The tanks, which left the Port of Livorno on the 3rd of February, travelled on the Big Lift Happy Dover, which arrived in the port of Santa Giusta on Tuesday 4th February. The fourth tank transported, built to store steam, will be positioned outside the boxes, waiting for the mechanical work and the assembly of the pipes necessary to make the plant operational.

Overall, the project includes six cryogenic tanks, all delivered, with a total capacity of 9000 cubic metres of LNG and will be supplied by LNG carriers, creating the first supply point shore-to-ships in the Mediterranean. The liquid methane will also be used for industries and civil users, not forgetting transport by truck and the vehicular transport of cars and buses, supplying gas compressed by LNG vaporisation.

The operations of handling and embarkation of the tanks on barges, for transport along the navigable canal that runs alongside the Gas and Heat and arrives directly in the Port of Livorno, began on Thursday 30 January from the Gas and Heat Plant and continued uninterruptedly until Sunday.

Gas and Heat reports that in order to allow the boarding operations were involved various local companies and institutions involved and with the full collaboration of all. For years now, Gas and Heat's core business has been focused on the design and construction of infrastructures dedicated to the use of LNG as fuel and can boast the implementation of important projects in the LNG world scenario.

The coastal depot in Oristano - underlines Gas and Heat - is an example of how a medium-sized company, once the project is completed, will have taken Sardinia from being the only non-methane powered region of Italy to be a virtuous example for the whole of Europe.

Source: Press Release Gas and Heat