In occasion of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2018, on May 25,  Vyacheslav Tyurin, Director General of Gazpromtrans, and Viktor Lesh, Director General of Sinara-Transport Machines and STM Trading House, signed an Agreement according to which  the Sinara Group will design, certify and launch batch production of cutting-edge shunting locomotives powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG) in line with Gazprom's requirements.

From 2019 to 2024, STM Trading House will supply Gazpromtrans with 10 shunting locomotives with a capacity of up to 1,200 horsepower and 14 shunting locomotives with a capacity of up to 2,000 horsepower and will also provide maintenance services.

According to the Sinara Group, the machines will be able to pull up to 8,200 tons of cargo. They are more environmentally friendly than conventional locomotives and can help the operator reduce up to 40 percent in fuel costs.

The machinery will be used at the Obskaya - Bovanenkovo railroad which has proven vital to Gazprom’s Yamal megaproject. The railroad ensures year-round, fast, cost-effective and all-weather delivery of technical equipment, construction materials and personnel to Yamal fields in the harsh Arctic climate. 

It is Gazprom’s subsidiary GazpromTrans, which operates the 572 km long Yamal railway between the stations of Obskaya and Karskaya (Russian Arctic). It is the world’s northernmost railway opened in 2011 in connection with Gazprom’s development of the large gas field Bovanenkovo commissioned in 2012. It today constitutes a key part of the company’s logistics schemes in the area. The line ends in the station of Karskaya, a point located on 70° north.