Gaztransport & Technigaz (GTT), the French owner of liquefied natural gas maritime and other storage tank technologies, has signed a contract to train personnel to operate the first LNG bunkering barge to operate in the US.

GTT subsidiaries, GTT North America Inc. and GTT Training Ltd, awarded the first contract of its kind for the development and implementation of a comprehensive LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) training program for  the 2,200 m3 LNG Bunker Barge currently under construction at Conrad Industries Shipyard in Orange, Texas, on behalf of the owner TOTE, which will ultimately be subject to U.S. Coast Guard approval.

At present, there are no LNG specific competency and training standards for LNG barges that can serve as the basis to establish crew credentials and qualifications by the Flag authorities. GTT North America will collaborate with its sister company, GTT Training, STAR Center, an internationally recognized and U.S.C.G. accredited LNG training center located near Miami, FL, and TOTE to fully develop the training program and obtain the necessary approval from U.S.C.G.

The GTT group confirms its capability of offering bespoke state-of-the-art training solution not only to the LNG supply industry but also to LNG users.